Our Story

The origin

It goes back to a camping trip that turned into a life-changing moment. We decided to visit a familiar camping spot after years, hoping to relive some nostalgic college-time memories.

The mountains looked dull and barren, and the river was carrying plastic waste. We could witness the impact of climate change and pollution on the beauty of the place. A place that used to be nature’s lap was slowly eroding.


An estimated 40,500 metric tons of plastic is dumped in the form of mobile cases

Soon the camping turned into a round table as we discussed plastic pollution, searched for the latest solutions, and checked relevant facts and updates on the internet on our mobiles, protected by conventional plastic or silicone cases, back then.  “An estimated 40,500 metric tons of plastic is dumped in the form of mobile cases, annually, in addition to tons of greenhouse gases!” – a friend read aloud.

Amid this challenging work of crafting a durable and functional mobile case from natural and biodegradable materials, we stumbled on another news, “Delhi pollution due to crop burning”, the farmers burn the remains of crops (stalks) and feedstocks for new harvesting. We understood it was crazy, yet we pushed ourselves to take on both problems and create a solution that would benefit the environment and society.

Meet Ecocase

It was a moment of triumph, the years of research, sleepless nights, and innumerable failures all seemed minuscule to the happiness when we received our certificates declaring Ecocase as 100% biodegradable and compostable.

Ecocase decomposes faster than an egg-shell !!!

We are proud to say that our Ecocase is a sustainable and durable solution to mobile protection. It is heavier on protection with military-grade drop protection and lighter on nature as it is plant-based and decomposes faster than an eggshell. This not only reduces plastic waste but also helps to reduce the environmental impact of burning crops as we utilise that waste, making an additional positive impact on global warming.

We believe small actions can create a significant impact. And we are committed to making a difference with every Ecocase we sell.

Ecocase: 100% biodegradable and compostable iphone case

Simple Choices, Significant Impact!

Below is the environmental impact, i.e., savings, if we all Indian smartphone users switch from conventional cases to Ecocase!

Ecocase: reduce carbon footprint by 71%
0Million Kgs / yr

CO2e Emissions

Ecocase: reduce water footprint by 59%
0Billion ltrs / yr


0Billion Bags / yr

Equiv. Plastic Bags

Join us in our mission to create a better future for our planet.

Let’s save Our Earth, One Ecocase at a time.

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